Character Development

OHDS students are supported to thrive - mind, body and soul. Across the grades students have daily opportunities to learn about themselves, reflect on their feelings, build communication and social problem-solving skills, and deepen their sense of spiritual connection. From discussions about character traits, to weekly class meetings, and a robust inter-grade school connections, OHDS students are truly supported and nurtured in their personal growth and well-being.

Middot (character traits)

Students across the grades focus on strengthening the specific character traits that make up the 9 OHDS Middot, or Character Traits. Through discussions, observations, stories and curriculum integration, students build an awareness of these 9 traits in themselves and in others as they strive to build lifelong habits that build strong character and help make our world a better place.

Examples of the 9 Middot OHDS Fosters:

  • Greeting others with a smile builds our KINDNESS

  • Saying please and thank you builds our GRATITUDE

  • Bouncing back from disappointments builds our RESILIENCE

  • Letting people finish what they’re saying builds our RESPECT

  • Cleaning up our messes and fixing our mistakes builds our RESPONSIBILITY

  • Taking slow, calming breaths builds our SELF-CONTROL

  • Trying again and again builds our PERSEVERANCE

  • Noticing small details builds our CURIOSITY

  • Doing the right thing when no-one is watching builds our INTEGRITY